Software for online web Casinos, PHP Scripts for gambling


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What does null or Warez writing mean?


What does the addition of “null” to scripts mean, or what is a null script?

Most likely, when choosing a script for your future site, you have come across quite well-known scripts with the prefix nulled at the end (or sometimes they write null). What does the null prefix mean?

“Null”, translated as – (Zeroed, deleted components that protect the script from illegal use)

Where do the null versions of the scripts come from?

Pirates take the legal version of the script
The components that protect this script are then removed. If necessary, the script is decrypted.

Also, if possible, remove any mention of the developers from the script, the so-called “Copyrights”, and in most cases replace them with your own.

The script is converted without linking to the developer and licenses, you can do anything with it.


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